6 Safe Driving Tips for Driving in Wet Weather

There are almost 6 million car accidents each year, and 21% of those crashes involve inclement driving conditions. With the in-car distractions like cell phones and navigation systems, those numbers are going to keep rising. But you don’t want to be another statistic.

Sometimes we all need to be reminded about safe driving tips when operating a vehicle in the rain or snow. This article offers the top six tips for driving in wet weather. If you want to stay safe on the road and are willing to take a trip back to driver’s education, then keep reading!

1. Put the Devices Away

This first tip cannot be stressed strongly enough. Whether you are driving on wet roads or a sunny day, you should always keep your mobile devices out of your hands and your eyes on the road. Take into consideration the fact that there were over 400,000 accidents in 2018 alone due to distracted driving.

Being wrapped up in your cell phone is one of the most dangerous things you can do while driving. When the roads get wet or slick from rain and snow, you must stay alert and focused to drive safely. In the event of a skid or loss of control, you only have seconds to react, and those vital seconds could make all the difference in preventing an accident.

2. Keep Your Car Maintained

During wet or snowy seasons, you must take extra precautions to ensure that your car is in top mechanical order. One of the most important items to check is your tires, which have grooves that are designed to improve traction in wet or icy conditions. If even one of your tires is beginning to go bald, this could cause you to lose traction on the road and lead to a potentially deadly loss of control.

Another point of concern is the use of your headlights, which should always be on while driving in wet weather. So be sure that your headlights are working properly before you hit the road.

Additionally, be mindful to not use your brights during wet weather. If there is fog with the rain or snow, this could reduce your visibility.

3. Familiarize Yourself With Your Route

If you are commuting to work every day, then it is wise to pay attention to your chosen route during good weather days. This will help you anticipate what it might be like when driving in wet weather. Pay attention to areas that might have excessive potholes or bumps. If there is an alternate route that you can take during inclement weather that might take longer but feels safer, then take that route.

If you are going to be driving in wet or snowy conditions in an area you are unfamiliar with, then take some time to view the area online. Construction areas are prone to accidents, so keep an eye out for them along with highly congested areas so that you are prepared for the drive.

4. Be Alert Concerning Other Drivers

Unfortunately, not everyone who passes driving school applies what they learned to their daily driving habits. Because other drivers on the road might not have the safest practices for driving in inclement weather, it is up to you to be skilled as a defensive driver.

Defensive driving is the practice of using strategies on the road to prevent automobile accidents. This involves keeping an eye out for reckless drivers and hazardous conditions while on the road. If you see a driver that is driving erratically, or perhaps is on their phone, do your best to put as much distance as possible between their vehicle and yours.

5. Talk to Your Passengers About Safety

This tip mostly applies to those driving in wet weather with little ones in the car. However, you might have a rowdy friend that needs to be reminded about driving safely as well. Take the time to discuss the fact that driving can be dangerous, and that distractions like yelling or fighting can be distracting to a driver.

If you know that you have to drive in inclement weather with your children, it is important to help them understand how serious an accident can be so that they understand exactly how they should behave during the ride. This is a great tip to discuss with teen drivers as well because they could have passengers in their car that could be distracting.

6. Have a Game Plan

Driving safely in the rain or snow is only part of the battle, The fact is, sometimes accidents just happen. With that being said, the way you behave following the accident could make a difference in the outcome of the crash. As such, you need to have an accident action plan in place in the event of a crash.

If you can move your vehicle to the shoulder and out of traffic, do so immediately. Never exit your vehicle if you cannot see traffic coming towards you. Be sure to turn on your hazard lights, and only exit your vehicle when it is safe to do so.

Lastly, keeping flares, first-aid kits, and emergency blankets in your car is smart during any time of year, but it is especially important during rainy or snowy seasons.

If you are in a crash, an experienced accident attorney can help you understand the next steps to ensure that you are legally protected.

The Safe Driving Tips You Need

You might have heard of most, if not all of these safe driving tips, but everyone needs a reminder every now and then. Driving safely in rain or wet conditions is something everyone needs to know how to do, so utilizing all of these tips is essential.

When it comes to being prepared for an accident, having a reputable attorney in your contacts is an important first step. Our team is dedicated to helping our clients maneuver the challenging ins-and-outs of automobile accidents, and more. Visit us today to learn how we can help you!