5 Injuries That Require a Car Accident Attorney

A car accident attorney helps you navigate the legal system when you’ve been injured. We operate on a contingent fee agreement, so you can focus on recovering while we handle your claim. We will thoroughly investigate your accident by reviewing police reports and gathering evidence with photographs and medical records. Here are some common injuries that we see include:

Brain Trauma 

You should contact a car accident attorney if you are experiencing severe headaches, nausea, and loss of vision after your accident. These symptoms could be signs of a whiplash injury or concussion. Whiplash occurs when the head is jerked back and forth after being hit by another vehicle. It causes the spine to flex in a whip-like motion, jostling the brain and creating pain in the neck and shoulders. You need to begin treatment immediately to help prevent longer-lasting effects.

Concussions are another type of brain trauma that happens when the brain jostles within the skull cavity. Symptoms of concussions include light sensitivity, unconsciousness, and trouble focusing. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should seek medical care. They can run through tests to check memory, balance, and confusion so they know how to help you recover.

More severe symptoms like seizures and slurred speech could be a sign of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Traumatic brain injuries occur when a strong force impacts your head, like being struck by an airbag, causing internal damage. Brain injuries can take anywhere from a few weeks to years to heal properly, and some may never heal completely. These injuries are slow to heal because the brain doesn’t have room to accommodate swelling.

Lifestyle changes are common in individuals who experience brain trauma. Depending on the severity of the case, they may need full-time care to help with driving, working around the house, or performing other daily functions. Our attorneys can help you obtain medical treatment and assistance if necessary.

Spinal Cord Injury

One of the most severe conditions of a spinal cord injury is paralysis. This is the loss of feeling and movement in certain parts of the body, including the legs, arms, and chest. The nervous system is unable to receive electrical signals from the brain, which tells the muscles to move. 

Paralysis claims include partial or temporary conditions. Temporary paralysis is when all or some of your muscle control comes and goes periodically. Partial paralysis is when you still have some feeling and control over your paralyzed muscles. It is also referred to as paresis. We can help with your claim so that you can focus on treatment and recovery.

Broken Bones

Seat belts and airbags are life-saving devices that prevent you from being thrown from the vehicle but can still cause injury. Broken bones and bone fractures could occur by lurching forward into the seatbelt or due to the car crumpling during the collision. Common breaks include broken ribs, arms, wrists, and legs. 

Depending on the severity of your injury, your recovery may include surgery and physical therapy. You may be out of work for weeks to months as you recover. Our experienced attorneys will include your economic and non-economic losses within your injury claim.

Loss of Limb

A traumatic amputation occurs when a limb or digit is too damaged to save or is lost in the collision itself. While the initial accident may not require immediate amputation, the damage could become too significant, and surgery may be the best option for recovery.

Motorcycle accidents are serious because of how exposed the rider is to the environment, especially when struck by another vehicle. You may have enough momentum to roll into oncoming traffic, resulting in a loss of life or limb.

After your accident, you’ll experience extensive lifestyle adjustments and learn to use mobility aids like wheelchairs or prosthetic devices. We will prioritize your healing journey by handling your legal affairs for you. This includes speaking to the insurance companies and informing you about your legal options. 

Internal Organ or Tissue Damage

Internal bleeding is not detectable from outside of the body and occurs when an organ or blood vessel suffers trauma. If you experience abdominal or chest pain after your accident, you should seek medical treatment immediately. Even mild cases of discomfort can grow into more serious conditions without treatment. 

Soft tissue injuries involve damage or trauma to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Sprains, strains, and contusions are common soft tissue injuries. Symptoms include pain in and around the affected area, swelling, and redness. Even cuts and bruises are documented for your injury claim.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney

When you’ve been injured in an auto accident, our attorneys at Reasonover Law are there to assist you. We will be with you in court to provide the justice that you and your family deserve. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.