How Your Nashville Attorney Will Help You After a Car Accident

If you got involved in a car accident in Nashville, you need to hire a lawyer to help you seek compensation for your injuries and other losses. Reasonover Law Firm, PLLC, protects the rights of people in the Nashville area who have been injured in a car accident caused by another person’s negligence. Here is how a car accident attorney may help you after a car accident:

They Investigate Your Crash

Your attorney will collect all types of evidence, such as accident reports, photographs, and witness statements. They may also communicate with witnesses and investigating officers to gather more details. A car accident investigation may include the following elements:

  • Collecting all police and accident reports
  • Organizing your medical records and bills
  • Assessing the crash scene
  • Getting video footage from nearby traffic cameras
  • Gathering all eyewitness statements

Our team will talk with you about your accident to see if we can help you and your case. Once we’ve established how we can help you, you can count on our assistance each step of the way.

They Talk to the Insurance Companies

how-your-nashville-car-accident-attorney-will-help-after-car-accident-personal-injury-lawyerAlthough an insurance company would like you to believe it has your best interests at heart, it’s a business. As a business, they are not motivated to pay out huge amounts of cash. To receive fair compensation, you must hire an auto accident attorney. A knowledgeable car accident attorney has years of experience dealing with complicated personal injury law and large insurance companies. They will negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

At Reasonover Law Firm, we understand how complicated insurance companies can be. We will not allow an insurance company to push you around. We will also advise you so that you don’t accept a settlement offer from an insurance agency until you have received an accurate assessment of your injuries. This is because we understand that most of these offers can preclude you from filing more claims for future injuries.

They Determine All Responsible Parties

An attorney may determine all the possibly responsible parties liable for compensation by pinpointing the contributing factors. If the at-fault driver was driving a company car, their employer may be liable for your injuries. The manufacturer may be partially to blame when a vehicle malfunctions, like a tire blowout. At Reasonover Law Firm, PLLC, we will go to any length to identify the responsible parties.

They Approximate Future Medical and Accident-Related Costs

An attorney can assist you in calculating all accident-related expenses, including projected future hospital bills. This is commonly accomplished by consulting with your physicians and other medical professionals to approximate your future costs according to the injuries you sustained. Without estimating future costs, you risk losing the compensation you will need to complete your treatment.

We will need to get information, including your medical treatment, time off from work, diagnoses, and tests performed. We will fight hard to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your damages. You may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical bills, property damage, disability, and other expenses.

Hire a Car Accident Attorney Today

Reasonover Law Firm has a car accident attorney who can handle any type of auto accident lawsuit. We have vast experience representing victims of car accidents in Nashville and throughout Tennessee. While you work to heal from your injuries, we can assist you in obtaining the compensation you feel entitled to for your physical injuries and financial and emotional damages.