5 Tips for Negotiating a Car Accident Settlement

Car accidents may cause injuries or damage to your personal property. In addition to dealing with the physical symptoms, you may also face financial losses. If you were injured in a car accident, a car accident lawyer can help you receive the compensation you deserve. Follow these five tips to negotiate a car accident settlement and receive fair compensation for your losses:

Gather Evidence

Gather all evidence of your car accident before beginning negotiations with an insurance company. This evidence can support your claim and help you negotiate a fair settlement. The files and evidence that you have on hand should include:

  • Any medical records that reference your injuries, prognosis, and treatments. These records provide evidence of your medical expenses and injuries.
  • A copy of the police report that was filed at the accident scene. This report may include information about the accident, contributing factors, and statements.
  • Eyewitness statements.
  • Car repair bills.
  • Pictures of damages.
  • Calculate Your Damages

Before negotiating a fair settlement, you should calculate your damages. This way, you know what to ask for from the car insurance company. Because insurance companies typically offer much less than you initially ask for, you should inflate this number when sending your demand letter. A car accident lawyer from Reasonover Law can help determine the amount you should demand. When you are calculating your damages, consider the following expenses:

  • Medical expenses.
  • Income lost as a result of your injuries.
  • Your prognosis for the future and whether you will require long-term medical care.
  • Vehicle repair or replacement costs.
  • Damaged or lost property.
  • Know When To Seek Legal Counsel

While a lawyer may not be necessary for all car accident settlements, they can help you receive the compensation you deserve. If the insurance company you are negotiating with is not cooperating, or your case is complex or involves serious injuries, a personal injury attorney can help fight for your rights.

Prepare to Negotiate

Car accident settlements often require negotiation, and some insurance companies will likely try to get you to accept less money than you deserve. Before negotiating, decide on the lowest figure that you will accept. We recommend that you do not accept their first offer. These rules can help you avoid accepting any unreasonable offers.

Ask for Everything in Writing

You or your lawyer should take notes during any conversations with the insurance company, and you should always ask for everything to be put in writing. Insurance companies may be able to provide you with a transcript if you spoke over the phone. If not, you can ask for a detailed email after the call. Maintain a record of emails, letters, and other communication with the insurance company. If you reach an agreement, make sure it is written down, dated, and signed by all parties. This can protect you if there are problems with the settlement later on.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer From Reasonover Law

If you have been injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Reasonover Law is a small law firm with experience in personal injury and car accident cases. A car accident lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and help you recover financial losses related to medical expenses, lost wages, and more. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.