How Nashville’s Growing Urbanization Impacts Car Accident Risks and What You Can Do to Stay Safe

Nashville is one of the most influential cities in America and is still growing. An influx of modernization and the attraction of cultural history create a mecca for those migrating to the city for opportunity. With more population, there is a feel of a crowded space as everyone is constantly moving, which has led to an increase in traffic accidents over the past few years. This article will help explain how Nashville’s growing urbanization has impacted traffic risks and what you can do to stay safe on the road as you traverse the streets of this influential city.

Nashville’s Growing Urbanization

According to the most recent U.S. census, Nashville ranks 21st among fast-growing U.S. cities and 4th among most populated southeastern towns. This growth is not by chance, as many have relocated to the city thanks to the booming economy. One of the most significant reasons for Nashville’s explosive growth is major businesses setting up headquarters and bringing in a large workforce. Companies like Bridgestone Americas Inc., Tractor Supply, Nissan, and Oracle Corp are just a few names that have set up shop and provide opportunities feeding into the population growth of the growing metropolis. While the promise of work and expansion is great for the city, it leads to a problem. One of the most significant drawbacks to Nashville’s growth is the equal growth of its traffic, which has grown to be a substantial issue for the city.

Traffic Issues In Nashville

Nashville traffic in its urban areas has grown to become some of the worst in the country. While most would see that expression as an exaggeration, it’s an absolute truth. Nashville ranks 12th in worst commute in U.S. cities and 39th worldwide! Congestion is no joke, as Forbes reported that commuters in Nashville lose an average of 41 hours a week driving alone. While these numbers were from a 2022 survey, they have steadily climbed as the metropolis has grown with a spike in business and tourism. 

The influx of Nashville’s booming population has led to a steep increase in traffic issues. Besides the lengthy commute to locations and increased traffic with more vehicles on the road, there have also been more accidents since the start of the population growth in Nashville. The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) predicts that Nashville’s traffic issues will only increase over the next decade. This highlights the urgency for long-term solutions to accommodate Nashville’s growing population while maintaining efficient and sustainable traffic flow.

Since 2022, Nashville has had over 24,300 traffic accidents, 136 of which were fatal collisions and 9,227 of which were non-fatal injury collisions. In the first five months of 2024, there have been 30 traffic-related deaths. These numbers are staggering, and TDOT expects them to rise with the increase in population in Nashville’s sprawling urban area. 

How You Can Stay Safe and Avoid Accident Risks

Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell understands that the traffic problem in his city is severe and often results in fatalities. Whether it’s the increase in drivers or those who don’t care about the rules of the road, he and his city officials have tried to correct the traffic issues. They’ve focused on areas where accidents have been more frequent, mostly South Nashville. They initiated many upgrades to the city through the Vision Zero initiative, which has upgraded high-speed lanes, right-turn-only lanes, and other issues that have led to accidents in high-traffic areas.  These additional risk factors are only a part of the problem, as drivers must be safer on the road. Here are a few things you can do to keep yourself safe as you operate your motor vehicle in the growing metropolis:

Plan Your Route in Advance

Before heading out, monitor traffic reports and use apps to get real-time updates on road conditions and traffic patterns. If you stay ready in advance, you’re less likely to be in a hurry and will be able to compensate or already plan to deal with the ongoing traffic. Consider alternate routes if you do not want to deal with busy areas. Choosing the long alternate route may seem time-consuming, but if you make the time, you can reach your destination safely.

Adjust Travel Times

Adjust your schedule to travel outside of busy traffic times. The best way to deal with traffic is to avoid it. Traveling and taking care of errands during off-peak hours can reduce commute time and be less stressful. However, depending on strict schedules, it’s not always possible to do that, so adjust the areas you travel through, as there is usually a less traveled path, even if it is longer. 


It’s understood that most people like the idea of riding alone, probably more so for their privacy and the sake of peace, but carpooling is an option that reduces the number of cars on the road. If you’re commuting to the same place as others, you can rideshare together, even alternating who drives. It’s cost-effective and may make your journey more enjoyable if you get caught in traffic. At least you won’t be alone.

Use Public Transportation

Nashville’s public transportation is a convenient alternative to driving your own vehicle. Not only do you save money on gas, but it’s particularly useful for commuting around the city, with specific routes to most places. You can park and ride, storing your vehicle in a parking garage and using public transportation to avoid congestion.

Stay Informed on Road Work

The best way to avoid traffic issues is to be informed. Nashville’s development plans are usually posted ahead of time, so you’ll be well informed of road closures or changes, travel time due to road work, or any future developments happening in the city.

Practice Defensive Driving

With more vehicles on the road in the city, the chances of accidents happening is a forgone conclusion. Stay alert while on the road and pay attention not only to your driving but what’s going on around you. Practicing safe driving habits like keeping adequate distance from others and anticipating actions will help keep you and those around you safe.

Staying Safe on the Move

While it is understandable that everyone is probably looking for a shortcut to stay ahead of traffic in Nashville, it should not come with the cost of life. With the increase in population, especially in the city’s more urban areas, traffic will increase; this is inevitable. It can be frustrating, especially if you have places to go and schedules to keep, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you’re frustrated, chances are so is another driver, and they might not be thinking of driving safely. Aggressive driving is one of the biggest causes of accidents. It pays to practice patience, especially behind the wheel. These fatal accidents can be reduced with good driving habits and staying aware of traffic patterns. Nothing is worth your life, so stay safe on the roads for yourself and others.